Kaurs Corner: Things Vegetarians are TIRED of Hearing... Many of us have seen the above photo (or a version of it). This article is aimed at empowering vegetarians to answer all the common questions and comments made by meat-eaters, in order to probe your choice of die
Kaurs Corner: charaneh gobi(n)dh maarag suhaavaa || The most beautiful path for the feet is to follow the Lord of the Universe. Guru Arjan Dev Ji Raag Saarang 1212 #gurusahib #guruspath #enlightenment #hope #sanctuary
Kaurs Corner: Kaurs Corner merchandise! Sold at most of the events we hold around the country and will also be sold at this weekends Kirtan event in Coventry. All proceeds go back in to Seva! #kaurscorner #seva #singhni #kaur
Kaurs Corner: Be Yourself | Accept Yourself | Value Yourself | Forgive Yourself | Bless Yourself | Express Yourself | Trust Yourself | Empower Yourself | Love Yourself
Kaurs Corner: Find Yourself By Losing Yourself In The Service Of Others #sevadar #kaurscorner #kaur
Kaurs Corner: sabadh guroo surath dhhun chaelaa || The Shabad is the Guru, upon whom I lovingly focus my consciousness; I am the chaylaa, the disciple - Guru Nanak Dev Ji #shabad #guru #singhni #kaur #seva #maharaaj
Kaurs Corner: sathigur saeviai vaddee vaddiaaee || Serving the True Guru is the greatest greatness. #guru #singhni #seva #vaheguru
Kaurs Corner: "Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing." --Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Kaurs Corner: bino karo kar jorr har har naam dhaehu || With my palms pressed together, I offer my prayer: give me Your Name, O Lord, Har, Har. #ardaas #kaur #prayer #hope #vaheguru
Kaurs Corner: There is no difference between You and I... The light within us (God), is the same. It always has been and it always will be. It is the way in which we lead our lives that controls where we will take this light and where we will 'be' this time tomorrow, n
Kaurs Corner: Snapshots from our promo video! (((:-) Subscribe to our YouTube channel 'Kaurscorner' for inspirational videos, talks and testimonials, with lots more to come.. See the full promo video here: http://youtu.be/2k7T-qmwWqE #supporttheKaurs
Kaurs Corner: She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. -Anon
Kaurs Corner: Inspiring.. Little brother with his big sister
Kaurs Corner: man rae thhir rahu math kath jaahee jeeo|| O, my mind, remain steady, and do not wander away #gurbani #kaur #sangat #vaheguru
Kaurs Corner: #FoodForThought
Kaurs Corner: dhhur masathak bhaag har naam suhaag har naamai har gun gaaeiaa|| By that high destiny written on her forehead, she chants the Name of the Lord, her husband, and through the Name of the Lord, she sings the Lord's glorious praises. #kaur #woman #seva #guru
Kaurs Corner: Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are. -Markus Zusak
Kaurs Corner: Almost two years since our launch.. Truly humbled by the many blessings received from Guru Sahib! The Kaurs Corner team look forward to serving our sisters through unity, empowerment, inspiration and sangat! www.kaurscorner.com #supporttheKaurs
Kaurs Corner: One word can end a fight; One hug can start a friendship; One smile can bring Unity; One person can change your entire life! - Israelmore Ayivor
Kaurs Corner: I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to death your rigjt to say it. Voltaire #HumanRightsDay
Kaurs Corner: We seek Freedom of religion, Freedom of movement, Freedom of speech & most of all, Freedom to determine our own destiny #HumanRightsDay
Kaurs Corner: upload
Kaurs Corner: Before you assume, learn the facts. Before you judge, understand why. Before you hurt someone, feel. Before you speak, think.
Kaurs Corner: Gods love has no boundaries O Nanak, the Gurmukh finds the Diamond of the Lord, by Kindness and Compassion http://www.kaurscorner.com/site/gods-love-has-no-boundaries/
Kaurs Corner: Dear Akal Purakh Jee ..... website post http://www.kaurscorner.com/site/dear-akal-purakh-jee/
Kaurs Corner: backgound
Kaurs Corner: #PoppyAppeal - Send us your photos and stories on how you are supporting our Armed Forces. sevadar@kaurscorner.com
Kaurs Corner: To meditate on the Lotus Feet of the Lord of the Universe is heaven for me #gurbani #sikhi #inspiration
Kaurs Corner: A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to offer -- Laurel Atherton #quote
Kaurs Corner: The way we talk to our children becomes their voice -- Peggy O'Mara #quote #rolemodel