SupraMK86: Keltec KSG
jankor: Hearse Hot Rod with Stroller
Hoplophobia treatmentcenter: AKM with Posp 4x WAR IN RIO WAR IN RIO WAR IN RIO WAR IN RIO war in rio war in rio urban war
SupraMK86: Benelli M4 Tactical
SupraMK86: Barrett Model 98B
SupraMK86: HK416
aaron_anderson: STOLEN+FRAME
goooooey: funtimez
Pan-African News Wire File Photos: Cars destroyed in Kano, Nigeria during January 2012. The attacks have been blamed on Boko Haram.
Critical Todd: Skull Flower
Pan-African News Wire File Photos: Kim Jong Un and other top leaders of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) at the state funeral of Kim Jong Il. Kim died on December 17, 2011.
Fatefromabyss: jan mirnyi
Pan-African News Wire File Photos: Reports indicate that 153 passengers were killed in a plane crash on June 3, 2012 in Lagos, Nigeria. It was a domestic flight from Abuja to Lagos. There were no survivors.
mayakonakamura: Automatic drawings in the silence
Liofwine: Ossuaire de Douaumont
fushuuchien: L o g o_