Popsicle Girl: Unusual Memorial
Popsicle Girl: anything moving that fast could kill you
Popsicle Girl: Luminous Lights of Lovely London
Popsicle Girl: barrels of bad lighting
Popsicle Girl: the sea of love
Popsicle Girl: In Retrospection...
Popsicle Girl: i use to be bronze!
Popsicle Girl: the white swan
Popsicle Girl: oh isnt that resplendent?
Popsicle Girl: freqeunt flyer miles
Popsicle Girl: konichiwa from up above
Popsicle Girl: giant snowman..
Popsicle Girl: oh...so your NOT glazed..?
Popsicle Girl: Smooth.
Popsicle Girl: i heart markt
Popsicle Girl: well, id prefer to wear my hat to the side...
Popsicle Girl: iamnotsorry
Popsicle Girl: a teaspoon of insane or a cup full of crazy
Popsicle Girl: can catfish lend their whiskers to cats in emergency situations?
Popsicle Girl: green tea ice cream
Popsicle Girl: monumental cat 2
Popsicle Girl: monumental cat
Popsicle Girl: apathetic rider.
Popsicle Girl: Exorcism of Axel
Popsicle Girl: do you want to go to the seaside?
Popsicle Girl: Story of love.
Popsicle Girl: San Torini
Popsicle Girl: Can i have your number?
Popsicle Girl: Can you find a metaphor?