Popsicle Girl: conversations with boxes
Popsicle Girl: Tea Candles for our main man
Popsicle Girl: Schmex in the window
Popsicle Girl: stone feet, metaphorically speaking
Popsicle Girl: i, the tree, stand alone
Popsicle Girl: onwards to shibuya!
Popsicle Girl: Use the word 'wafting' in context
Popsicle Girl: consider yourself burning
Popsicle Girl: we start at the bottom to rise to the top and fall...
Popsicle Girl: i mean how could i leave the replica out?
Popsicle Girl: and then you hit a trashcan?
Popsicle Girl: Life looks like this picture
Popsicle Girl: I'd like a proper description
Popsicle Girl: suburban blur
Popsicle Girl: I hope your not underwater, japanese garden
Popsicle Girl: None of you look old enough to be out of the womb
Popsicle Girl: what are you waiting for?
Popsicle Girl: its not my problem until it happens to me
Popsicle Girl: Nice hat campaign you've got going there
Popsicle Girl: whose to say purple isnt a color?
Popsicle Girl: when i need you most
Popsicle Girl: disdain for reflections
Popsicle Girl: The continuous search
Popsicle Girl: Stairs for heels
Popsicle Girl: ich komm gleich dahin
Popsicle Girl: We aren't meant to be alone
Popsicle Girl: Green Jello at high altitudes
Popsicle Girl: Which seat can i take?
Popsicle Girl: Paddleboat swag