katiepiatt: #lancingbeach at 7am today - my favourite part of the day #dogwalk
katiepiatt: Bonus morning Peanut photo, because Who’s a Good Girl? 🐶 💓 #jackabee #lancingbeach
katiepiatt: Morning walkies with Peanut to get me ready for Wednesday #jackabee #dogwalk #lancingbeach
katiepiatt: Happiness is... chewing on a stick (she’s trying a new battery for the #tractive tracker - a bit too big?) #jackabee #brooklandspark
katiepiatt: Don’t worry about the news Mummy, there are rocks to climb on! #jackabee #dogwalk
katiepiatt: Happy 15th to my baby boy @ozzypiatt (who still got up at 6:30 to walk the dog) 🐶
katiepiatt: Morning walkies on the beach - a beautiful day #lancingbeach #jackabee #dogwalk
katiepiatt: New 30m lead is giving Peanut lots of freedom for running while we work on recall #brooklandspark #jackabee
katiepiatt: Dumbo the Beagle? #jackabee
katiepiatt: Dog has taken to sleeping in an Ikea bag. Wake up Peanut, it’s time to go out! #jackabee
katiepiatt: #jackabee never tired of #brooklandspark
katiepiatt: Wet doggy footprints #jackabeesofinstagram #jackabee
katiepiatt: Hooray for 8m leads, squeaky toys and Peanut in the park #jackabeesofinstagram
katiepiatt: Peanut visited uni today - lots of doggy love from my colleagues
katiepiatt: One week on, she has stolen our hearts ♥️
katiepiatt: Muddy walk with muddy dog - think we might finally have worn her out! #dogwalking
katiepiatt: The dog is the only one who managed to look at the camera - but glad to have plenty of volunteer dog walkers, despite the weather! #dogwalking
katiepiatt: Peanut says thanks to @cathyfrankland for her wobbly treat toy - because now she’s figured it out she gets lots of treats!
katiepiatt: We got a dog, this is Peanut. She’s had a hard start in life, but we’ve rescued her from a shelter in Hungary and she will now be getting all the love she has been missing 🐶
katiepiatt: Waiting for the train #Hove #HoveStation #CommuterLife
katiepiatt: Saw #clytemnestra today at the #BritishMuseum - having just finished reading @jasperfforde’s #EarlyRiser I finally understood the reference!
katiepiatt: I asked for a cup of tea... I got this. It cost £4.50 #toohip #london
katiepiatt: The view from my bedroom in #DurhamCastle this morning, that’s right - I slept in a castle and had breakfast in the Great Hall!
katiepiatt: Annual walk in the woods with friends #warrenhill
katiepiatt: Spooky cemetery exploration... #towerhamletscemeterypark
katiepiatt: Flower stall at #brightonstation #runningforthetrain
katiepiatt: Happy times with friends in #Cornwall - now time to drive back through the drizzle to the real world @mel.upton
katiepiatt: It may look like we’re just drinking G&Ts but it’s all in the name of science (ultraviolet light and the quinine in the tonic water)
katiepiatt: Just chilling out in #TruroCathedral with the locals
katiepiatt: What is this? Was not brave enough to buy one until I have an expectation of what it might be...