katie g*: luis setting up his tent
katie g*: filling up
katie g*: mastiffs
katie g*: cows in the valley
katie g*: horned cows
katie g*: scene in the garganta de bohoyo
katie g*: advancing through the valley
katie g*: rocks in the garganta
katie g*: more cows in the valley
katie g*: big spider in the trail
katie g*: baño de las sirenas
katie g*: looking back
katie g*: rocks
katie g*: hito recogido
katie g*: storm clouds
katie g*: we start to have more views
katie g*: goats sillouhetted
katie g*: begoña and the view
katie g*: la pared
katie g*: luis and antonio
katie g*: advancing towards the big guys
katie g*: a rocky panorama
katie g*: las cinco lagunas
katie g*: reaching the portilla de cinco lagunas
katie g*: la portilla de cinco lagunas
katie g*: towards the riscos del gutre
katie g*: cloud and light
katie g*: more rocks to cross
katie g*: bego rock hopping
katie g*: male goats