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katie g*
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katie g*
nothing like an ergobaby snooze
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enjoying a walk along the bund
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bund panorama
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brompton store
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dinner on nanjing road
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waiting for some buns
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bund building
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pudong skyline at night
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capturing the bund
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looking down the huangpu river
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the bund
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along the bund
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making our way toward the bund
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a chinese nap for dan
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strolling in shanghai
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a bottle and ready to go
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dan and l playing on the train
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clearly explained
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taroko visitors center
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at least the adults were looking
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mother and daughter
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beach view
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high and narrow
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picnic lunch
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toward the next section of swallow grotto
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fathers and children
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looking down in swallow grotto
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shakadang bridge
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shakadang trail
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harvest fern
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