katie g*: portuguese fish soup
katie g*: mom excitedly opens kahvi's stocking
katie g*: kahvi anxiously awaits the contents
katie g*: christmas morning fire
katie g*: kahvi playing with his new ball
katie g*: sour cream coffee cake
katie g*: does she look excited?
katie g*: christmas dinner
katie g*: mom and dad at christmas dinner
katie g*: maura cutting into the chocolate tart
katie g*: relaxing on the first night at rivermede
katie g*: barns and marcy
katie g*: sash making a lovely face
katie g*: on the trail
katie g*: icebound stream
katie g*: kahvi on the bridge
katie g*: johns brook
katie g*: bridge over johns brook
katie g*: in the woods
katie g*: JBL junction
katie g*: cold lunch at JBL
katie g*: some evidence of the hurricane on johns brook
katie g*: maura near the JBL interior outpost
katie g*: trail break
katie g*: tired pooch
katie g*: waiting at liquids and solids
katie g*: bacon and eggs breakfast
katie g*: temp check
katie g*: 2/3 of the fam
katie g*: wintry whiteface landing