katie g*: chatting
katie g*: around the kitchen table
katie g*: sash!
katie g*: the girls
katie g*: christmas morning
katie g*: stockings
katie g*: kahvi's stocking
katie g*: mom supervises a stocking
katie g*: sash and kahvi
katie g*: sash shows a book about montana
katie g*: can extravaganza
katie g*: a can christmas
katie g*: mom ready for christmas dinner
katie g*: maura serving her chocolate tart on christmas
katie g*: oh yum
katie g*: drivin
katie g*: uh, lost the chain to the flue
katie g*: snowy morning
katie g*: mom heading up the trail
katie g*: near whiteface landing
katie g*: sash on the ground
katie g*: wind at whiteface landing
katie g*: mom and kahvi
katie g*: lissa and sasha
katie g*: maura
katie g*: the barns in the afternoon
katie g*: maura and the high tunnels
katie g*: kahvi, a big stick, and the house
katie g*: tapped trees
katie g*: play me something