katie g*: los barrerones
katie g*: vivac apretado, laguna grande
katie g*: cabras
katie g*: cuchillar de navajas
katie g*: a long climb up rocks
katie g*: jaime on the ascent
katie g*: up and up
katie g*: en la portilla del crampón
katie g*: trepando
katie g*: as jaime said, it wasn't elegant but it worked
katie g*: finally atop almanzor
katie g*: on top
katie g*: on top II
katie g*: playing with the rope on the way down
katie g*: rappelling down the tricky parts of almanzor
katie g*: down we go
katie g*: el almanzor
katie g*: laguna grande and almanzor
katie g*: horses carrying provisions up to refugio elola