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american summer part I: the adirondacks by katie g*
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katie g*
colden from marcy dam
katie g*
the fam at the dam
katie g*
katie g*
ladies on the trail to tabletop
katie g*
katie g*
dad reading in the sun
katie g*
back from the river
katie g*
to the river
katie g*
chester and kahvi
katie g*
rumble by the river
katie g*
tug of war
katie g*
house, barns, meadow, maura
katie g*
clouds over porter
katie g*
rocks for the cemetery
katie g*
on the couch I
katie g*
on the couch II
katie g*
dad, george, maura, bonnie
katie g*
talking about grandmom
katie g*
talking about grandmom II
katie g*
the barns
katie g*
serious discussion
katie g*
up to the cemetery
katie g*
maura and katie
katie g*
walking up the hill
katie g*
in line
katie g*
in the woods
katie g*
rivermede cemetery garden
katie g*
in the cemetery
katie g*
getting ready to scatter grandmom's ashes
katie g*
ashes in the cemetery
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