katdmb: "It's not always black or white, sometimes, sometimes! there is a splash of color."
Flamelillyfox: under wraps
pinion345: 100_1080
yaco_1974: Estatua a contraluz
Skinnyde: Pray
The Nature of Things: The Long Cold Sleep
marlesghillie: Ghillie in B+W
saikiishiki: fortune teller
saikiishiki: dog in the hat
weimieweim: Supervisor
saikiishiki: in da hood
GoldRausch: silence
zoviet: is that a pizza ?
saikiishiki: bedouin
saikiishiki: does my bum look fat?
m+m+t+i: P1000547
m+m+t+i: P1000529
m+m+t+i: P1000799
bradleybradley24: foggy morning2
JarvisKP: Bennett's Bluff