Theen ...: Creamy Spike
M DEBIERRE: My dog ​​Purdey behind the front door
beaugraph: Squeaky Beach
quinn.anya: Dehydrated fern
Thomas Dippel: Dice 04
Pimthida: books
gruntzooki: Strong Encryption Can Resist an Unlimited Application of Violence tee, Ethereum Devcon, Prague, Czech Republic
DragonBe: michelangelo_van_dam
SuperRoach: The phone photos were so good with this one (Huawei P20 Pro) this year that I thought I would include some of them as well too. Some of the shots I couldn't have hoped to achieve on the DSLR, like on the rather silly 1.8metre selfie stick.
JasonTromm: Geek in Training
SR Photies: mmmmm...... Chocolate Cake
Hazel Motes: $1 coin
xoundbox: lamx_test02_Sn
phenoptix: Rainbow Jar
SuperRoach: DSC08541
coquetboy: Happy New Year !!
shivan: Geelong Floating Christmas tree
an untrained eye: More Questions Than Answers
PTworks: Corgi Life
PTworks: Mango, Camera, Action!
SuperRoach: 20160731_182516
SuperRoach: Govhack 2016 - information Briefing
beaugraph: Rainy day at Hopetoun Falls
justgrimes: open data (scrabble)
GovHack Australia: GovHack 2015 Red Carpet Awards
Br3nda: IMG_20160426_130517
SuperRoach: LCA2016 - Wednesday
SuperRoach: LCA2016 - Wednesday