KathleenQuilts: In a little change of pace, I decided to play along with the #freshlyquiltedtp sew along. The last time I did machine appliqué... I think I was in high school. My husband is totally disgusted by me (buying all the toilet paper is stupid... why are you mak
KathleenQuilts: Staying home extra, plus a few client quilt cancellations means I had a couple hours today to work on this quilt— I sewed in my own home for the first time in maybe six months? It was lovely. Someday I might finish this quilt. #catchmeifyoucanquilt #fpp #
KathleenQuilts: PEEPS, MY BOOKS ARE HERE!!!! I’m so excited to have this in my hands. I’m super proud of this, and I for one think it’s a great book— all about how to combine different free motion quilting designs. If you preordered a book, Rocky took two boxes of books
KathleenQuilts: Last week I took an ice dying class with @annajoycedesign and this week I am completely obsessed with dying all the things. I quilted one of the pieces I dyed and am totally in love. I would like to ignore all my responsibilities and just keep dyeing. I’v
KathleenQuilts: It’s been a weird week. So rather than do any of the things I’m supposed to be doing, I’ve been dying all the things (check out my stories to see what I’ve been up to) and then this afternoon I’ve been quilting up this fabric I dyed last night. Now I’m go
KathleenQuilts: QUILTCON!!! It’s always exciting to see my quilt hanging in a show. I kinda forgot how much I like this one :) #quiltcon #quiltcon2020
KathleenQuilts: I FINALLY FINISHED THIS QUILT!! I’ve only been working on it for three months... that and the fact that I’m feeling better after yesterday’s cold... time to start packing for QuiltCon. #fmq #longarmquilting #pradiseinbloom #quiltworx #apqs #apqslucey
KathleenQuilts: Posting this oldie but goodie for my #helloquiltcon post because I haven’t showered today and I spent most of it trying to sleep off this nasty cold that came on last night. But I’m headed for #quiltcon Wednesday morning sick or not. I’m mostly just hangi
KathleenQuilts: Making slow progress on this one. I’m in other news. I’ve had three 2 hour naps over the last day and a half, so I might be awake enough to work on this this afternoon. #paradiseinbloom #fmq #longarmquilting #apqslucey #quiltworx
KathleenQuilts: Using our Christmas decorations as lighting for this picture really worked :) Back to work on this quilt this week, after a longer than expected break. But sometimes napping wins and I’m trying to be OK with that. #fmq #longarmquilting #quiltworx #paradis
KathleenQuilts: I’ve been taking an extended break from long arming over the holiday this year. This weekend I’m at our store retreat and working on my #catchmeifyoucanquilt . At the current rate of progress on this quilt I might be done it in 3 years or so. #alisonglass
KathleenQuilts: Merry Christmas! Here’s my top nine from 2019. I did less quilting in 2019 than any other year, but what I did get to work on was all sorts of fun. #topnine2019
KathleenQuilts: Working on Barbara’s quilt has been so much fun! I’m slightly better rested and actually getting some quilting time in, which let’s face it, is totally awesome!! #fmq #longarmquilting #quiltworx #paradiseinbloomquilt
KathleenQuilts: In a real fit of productivity yesterday I managed to get Barbara’s quilt loaded and started. I’m super happy with this border I have to admit. #longarmquilting #fmq #paradiseinbloomquilt #quiltworx
KathleenQuilts: I’m so excited about my new book. My favourite part? Each combination has variations as well, so you can see how to use each one in different ways. Plus, isn’t it an awesome looking book? You can pre-order an autographed copy from me, or you can add it to
KathleenQuilts: Thanks to some slightly better nights of sleep, I’m past the half way point on Liz’s quilt. Watch for big things & Black Friday sales later this week. #kathleenquilts #quiltworx #fmq #longarmquilting #artgalleryfabrics #vintagerosequilt
KathleenQuilts: Thanks so much for all the lovely comments on my list from the other day. I’m still exhausted, but I managed to finish my overdue online class. So if you want to learn to use rulers for quilting g on your regular domestic sewing machine, follow the link i
KathleenQuilts: More than a month since this quilt was loaded and I’m not even at the half way point. I’ve been slightly overwhelmed (some days more than slightly) by my to do list, and balancing it with my need for sleep and time with Rocky and E. It doesn’t matter how
KathleenQuilts: Really happy with how the top border of Liz’s quilt turned out. Liz is a local quilter who I made promise to let me quilt this one for her when she started it 2 ½ years ago. So I’ve got to make it good! #lavishfabrics #katarinaroccella #quiltworx #vintage
KathleenQuilts: I finished @postsleep ‘s quilt this week, after exactly 50 days on my quilt frame. I’m really happy with how this turned out— and am glad I haven’t forgotten how to quilt. #quilting #quilt #quiltworx #judyniemeyer #englishgardenquilt #batik #longarmquilti
KathleenQuilts: A weird angle picture of yesterday’s #striationquilt so we can really see the quilting. #modernquilt #quilt #fmq #longarmquilting #colour #texture
KathleenQuilts: I will overgram this quilt like nobody’s business. #proudasapeacockquilt #hoffmandigitalprints #fmq #longarmquilting #modernquilt #texture #floral #quilt #quilting
KathleenQuilts: Still working on Leslie’s #englishgardenquilt. Giving myself permission to miss self imposed deadlines feels like a big step. I was hoping to be finished this one by now, and I’m just past the half way mark. But we got lots of sleep last night (this week
KathleenQuilts: Slow progress is better than no progress. But we’ve had 3 not-terrible nights of sleep, and progress is being made. Mostly because @rosecityquilter is babysitting so I can get in some uninterrupted quilting time. I’m not wasting it on Instagram because I
KathleenQuilts: Working on this (briefly) tonight. Loving the flowers! #fmq #longarmquilting #apqs #apqslucey #quiltworx #englishgardenquilt
KathleenQuilts: I’m working on Leslie’s quilt right now. I’m trying not to be frustrated by my lack of time to actually work on it. A baby who doesn’t sleep is taking priority. So I’ve been napping whenever I can, which means less quilting time. Good thing the baby is su
KathleenQuilts: Making slow progress on my #nopequilt from class with @jeanwellsquilts and Jan Tetzlaff in Sisters a few weeks ago. Hand quilting g takes forever when you only get 5 minutes at a time. #handquilting #improvquilt #improvhandquilting
KathleenQuilts: I am obsessed with black quilting now. I need to make a new quilt for all the black thread ideas I have.... #longarmquilting #proudasapeacockquilt #hoffmanfabrics #hoffmandigitalprints #fmq #floral #modernquilt
KathleenQuilts: After 4 months in the frame, this quilt finally came off today. Feels pretty awesome. Just in time for client quilts arriving this week too! Hopefully I can get the next one done in fewer than 4 months... #proudasapeacockquilt #hoffman #hoffmandigitalprin
KathleenQuilts: Quilting this evening while the boys are on a walk. Quilting a flower garden 😍😍 Still loving this quilt even if it has been on the frame for well over 2 months. #proudasapeacockquilt #longarmquilting #fmq #hoffmanfabrics #hoffmandigi