katherineandpunky: 2013-12-30 03.11.05
katherineandpunky: #summer rain and lying in bed #reading with this lovely boy. #cats #catsofinstagram #catsofig #mycatlikesleeping
katherineandpunky: New #emilythestrange #wood #brooch made by me!!
katherineandpunky: Totally forgot that my sis had made me this little pouch necklace. Now I can wear my stones and crystals in it! #crochet #crystals #hippy #mysisterisace
katherineandpunky: Loving rereading the little house series. #readingkeepsmesane #reading #whatimreading #nowthisissustainableliving #itsreadingtime #books #book
katherineandpunky: First ever attempt a #rawvegan soup... actually really yummy! Its been constantly hot here abd I didn't want to put the oven on so this was perfect!! #rawfood #vegan #growyourownfood #urbanfarming #summer
katherineandpunky: Best way to collect your #sunflower seeds. Grab a bucket and some chicken wire, whack the chicken wire over bucket and scrape the heads of the sunflower on the wire! So easy and quick! #seedsaving #seeds #urbanfarming #garden #gardeningismylife #gardenin
katherineandpunky: Sick of being restricted to #gardening in daylight hours so ive set myself up in the kitchen to get my #seeds sown! #gardeningismylife #growyourownfood #urbanfarming
katherineandpunky: This hot weather can fuck off now if you ask me its killing my garden. #fuckoffsummer #gardeningcankillyourspirits #why!
katherineandpunky: Hiding and ready to pounce on my legs #mycatlikeslegs #cats #catsofig #catsofinstagram #camocats
katherineandpunky: Ah my #kitchen. One day we will own our own place like this! #dreamhome #fallingdownbutidontcare #loveatfirstsite #home
katherineandpunky: The #bees are feeling the heat #urbanfarming #backyardbeekeeping
katherineandpunky: Dianne enjoying the straw the #chooks have spread around. #rabbits #rabbitpooisthebestfertiliser #petstagram #rabbitsofinstagram #urbanfarming
katherineandpunky: Spray painted the urn behind that my mum was chucking out and have planted some jasmin in it to grow over the chicken coop to keep them shaded. #chicken #chooks #chickensofig #urbanfarming #gardening
katherineandpunky: Woo hoo!! The #solarlight that I put in the #sesamestreet lamp on top of my #verticalgarden worked!!
katherineandpunky: Woo hoo!! The #solarlight that I put in the #sesamestreet light worked! ! Super happy about that.
katherineandpunky: Busy creating my #sesamestreet vertical garden!! #urbanfarming #gardening #gardeningismylife #herbs
katherineandpunky: Just another view of the #terrarium for my friend.
katherineandpunky: Fixed up my friends #terrarium that I made for her ages ago that she killed!
katherineandpunky: My husband annoyingly knocked the flowers off the frangipani so it's now in a vase on the kitchen table. Needless to say I was super angry! #frangipani #annoyinghusbands #cutflowers
katherineandpunky: Ahh goodmorning George Michael. #cats #catsofig #catsofinstagram #catstagram
katherineandpunky: So excited about these flowers!!
katherineandpunky: Trying to write my review for work. Oh how I loved the new @simmonehowell book! #ilovebooks #readingkeepsmesane #books #reading
katherineandpunky: My Jewellery label is now on Facebook! Please like!! Http://www.Facebook.com/katherineandpunky
katherineandpunky: Enid inspecting the new foliage in the kitchen #cats #catsofig #catsofinstagram #catstagram #mycatlikestosmelltheflowers
katherineandpunky: Ahh first my car breaks down then my fave sunnies break...what next world...what next #bummed #iwishtodaywouldend #everythinghappensinthrees
katherineandpunky: And ready for work! #selfie #selfportrait
katherineandpunky: Hide and seek with George michael #cats #catsofig #catsofinstagram #catstagram
katherineandpunky: Off to post my #etsy sales!! #handmade #ihearthandmade
katherineandpunky: Never really impressed about having her photo taken #cats #catsofig #catsofinstagram #catstagram