fofurasfelinas: Sweet dreams
Philosopher Queen: Dusty and the Wine
alida saxon: Happy Holidays!
Yoko Ono official: With Sean amongst the WISH TREES at my exhibition TO THE LIGHT @SerpentineUK. Come and write your wishes and hang them on the WISH TREES. All wishes will be sent to @imaginepeacetower in Iceland which relights on October 9th, John and Sean's birthdays.
Red~Star: I've been TAGGED!
Maki_C30D: "The Hunter"
pastrami44: Hello Kitty Motorcycle
Sweeeee: Audrey & Tiffany
Curt B: Bacon wrapped cupcake
taz: me
tadamon: بلا مهنة
alida saxon: scaryhouse-mouse
alida saxon: Faceplant
Philosopher Queen: Cat-Napping
alida saxon: Cadfael doubts
*lalalaurie: DSC_0658
alida saxon: Cadfael says....
Philosopher Queen: Sammy on the Porch
TAR ART RAT: Kevin McDonald wins French Election under pseudonym "Nicolas Sarkozy "
alida saxon: Cadfael at sunset 1
alida saxon: Persia the Worried
many_dimensions: Do Not Disturb
alida saxon: Sprawl
bosquetango: cats stacking
photo kitten: she must have been a model in another life
katia.: The "I'm so cute" look...