Wayne24185071: The Dunnock .... Prunella modularis.
mwopics: yuko märz18
mwopics: esiah märz18
Tryfon K: Sunset Sea
Tryfon K: Staring at the Sun
Tryfon K: The Moonscape Beach
Tryfon K: Alps from the air
Tryfon K: Hungarian Parliament Building
achtmart: Serin Girlitz ( m.)
Zlatko Vickovic: my friend max
Wild Birdy: Magnolia Warbler
Wild Birdy: Rusty Blackbird
Antonio Chac: Amanecer
MissGarfield: Once were predators | Jägerliest - laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)
wezwerran13: Dunlin, Burry port, Carmarthenshire
wezwerran13: Ringed Plover, Bury Port, Camarthenshire
wezwerran13: Ringed Plover, Bury Port, Camarthenshire
v8dub: Verdier d'Europe (Chloris chloris)
v8dub: Verdier d'Europe (Chloris chloris)
achtmart: Bero & Lina on other side of tree
Quadfather68: Yellow Canary
fertraban: Canario pío
Darts5: It's the Island Canary Mon
pete_61: Canaries
floridapfe: Canary
kkok1979: 2015-09-12_04-04-33
kelvin mann: Bridlington