Chris Youd: After the rain
woodleywonderworks: let's get on with the day
Colorado Scenics: Late September, 2007...
martin werker: Pelican / Pelikaan
fratch: cleaner2
ancama_99(toni): Desde la panza.-
Saparevo: Singing in the Rain
*Ryan Lee UK*: Sunday Shadow
Katrina Dreamer: Reflection
Nature View: Hummingbird Fight
Pressit: Peek
atsjebosma: stokroos - knoppen
shacky Lancaster: Birling.5
Caroline Castendijk: another car coming??
osopocavid: cararatas del iguazu
Caroline Castendijk: lion cub portrait
stboed: Dragonlfly-2
Arnold Pouteau's: Under the Bridge
Gary Koutsoubis: 20070529 Death Valley National Park, California 067
Pat Ulrich: Juvenile Egret about to be Fed
digitalART2: Great Blue Heron
levilo: Salto de Can Figa (Borgonyà)
cobalt123: Tempe Sun, Setting
Matt Hughes: Treasure
Inmacor: Chimney on the sunset