KCD: 早安,請給我們大太陽收帳 #camping #武陵農場
Toyokazu: Kiss Me Please Project #1
Lynn Pan: 〈Day3〉老闆得知我們來自台灣,從口袋拿出中國小哥幫他謝的thank you note,我有點想哭
Lynn Pan: 〈Day3〉願!
Toyokazu: Will you marry me?
Toyokazu: Photogenic Hardboiled Story-1/8 ~Solitude(孤独)~
The British Monarchy: Miniature tea service, Royal Fabergé exhibition, Buckingham Palace
panda.J: 壓紙箱~
panda.J: MOV04316
Lynn Pan: 炸甜年糕!
Kimberly Chorney: At the farm........
Ceebs101: I <3 this
Heartfelt Moments: www.Heartfeltmoments.net http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Heartfelt-Moments-Photography/184779270367?ref=nf
musiquedance: O sole mio ~~~那就是你啊,我的太阳~~~
darkgreenn: 1005中庭小帥哥 (49)
darkgreenn: 0419晚上0911栓劑退燒中
darkgreenn: 0419發燒中1
panda.J: 期待的約會
J Hintze: new brother
Katsoulis Photography: Maternity Portrait
Katsoulis Photography: Mother and child and child 2
leslie*thomson: stuff...
leslie*thomson: snow, and lots of it...
senzaspazio: dritto a prua...
senzaspazio: luce & colore