Kate Chan: Al fresco sausage
Kate Chan: Potsticker dough ingredients
Kate Chan: Cutting the potsticker dough
Kate Chan: Adding the sausage filling
Kate Chan: Filled uncooked potstickers
Kate Chan: Boiling
Kate Chan: Fry them until crispy
Kate Chan: Almost
Kate Chan: Plated - Go!
Kate Chan: Columbia Crest Sangria
Kate Chan: Potstickers - ready!
Kate Chan: Day 3 - Dinner
Kate Chan: Day 3 Breakfast
Kate Chan: Day 3 Lunch
Kate Chan: GF Everyday Eats: Day 1: Dessert
Kate Chan: GF Everyday Eats: Day 1: Dinner
Kate Chan: GF Everyday Eats: Day 1 Lunch
Kate Chan: Gf Everyday Eats: Day 1 Breakfast
Kate Chan: GF Honey & Thyme Goat Cheese Crackers
Kate Chan: GF Honey & Thyme Goat Cheese Crackers
Kate Chan: Recipe testing
Kate Chan: A recipe tester
Kate Chan: Gluten Free "Grasshopper" Cupcakes
Kate Chan: Gluten Free Grasshopper Cupcakes
Kate Chan: Best ever: Gluten Free Blueberry Muffins
Kate Chan: Gluten Free Cinnamon Oat & Honey Bread
Kate Chan: Gluten Free Cinnamon Oat & Honey Bread
Kate Chan: Korean-inspired Sweet & Spicy wings
Kate Chan: The Chicklet's first school bus ride
Kate Chan: Little's first bus ride