Lin Schorr: Hyd - 1-22-2014
Gila Mosaics n'stuff: Body of Work ~ Artel Gallery
Gila Mosaics n'stuff: Artel Gallery ~ Body of Work
Terry Nicholls: Pond and Irises_detail
Terry Nicholls: Pond with Irises
AmyWoodward: Silvery Checkerspot
Lin Schorr: UNFURLED - finished: Artist Lori Desormeau
Gila Mosaics n'stuff: "Pet Me", Pointer
Terry Nicholls: The Busker
lichapman: Out of the Box
lichapman: nii'ne'íseet
lichapman: Rocky Mountain Ziggurat
Gila Mosaics n'stuff: Une Promenade à Paris
Angela@Earth: buckwheat flowers Field,Tibet,China
ThoGarWe: Shenandoah Valley Flowered Field
halseike: Bean Reflection
Art Rock (Hennie): Into the light
brookeshaden: the valley of life
showbizinbc: Mountains and Valley
karin uu: 'Bad Bad Leroy Bird'
Remygem: HaPpY!
mym: all we like sheep