{kari elaine}: When the unexpected occurs... (The Ultimate "Silver Kings of the Sea" Experience)
{kari elaine}: watermelon on a hot beach day: a hint of summer!
{kari elaine}: my floridian beach baby [brother].
{kari elaine}: our first cold morning!
{kari elaine}: grayson.
{kari elaine}: 'cause I've got a hand for you, 'cause I wanna run with you.
{kari elaine}: beach day.
{kari elaine}: to those with no peace… (please read)
{kari elaine}: ah, now the sky could be blue, I don't mind. without you it's a waste of time.
{kari elaine}: oh, and when the kids are old enough, we're gonna teach them to fly.
{kari elaine}: youthful.
{kari elaine}: {savannah, GA}
{kari elaine}: {grayson}
{kari elaine}: Palm Beach Love