{kari elaine}: Part II
{kari elaine}: where you invest your love, you invest your life
{kari elaine}: Get over your hill, and see what you find there, with grace in your heart, and flowers in your hair
{kari elaine}: rain + sunshine
{kari elaine}: riverside picnic
{kari elaine}: I had a daydream
{kari elaine}: its light poured softly in her lap
{kari elaine}: lost in reverie
{kari elaine}: Palm Beach Love
{kari elaine}: ramblings of a wallflower
{kari elaine}: Clouds keep moving to uncover the scene. Stars above us chasing the day away to find the stories that we sometimes need. Listen close enough- All else fades, fades away
{kari elaine}: quiet days and tapioca pudding
{kari elaine}: happy is the heart that still feels pain, darkness drains and light will come again
{kari elaine}: she took her love, for to gaze awhile, upon the fields of barley. In his arms she fell as her hair came down among the fields of gold
{kari elaine}: all of life is in one drop of the ocean waiting to go home, just waiting to go home
{kari elaine}: May Happiness
{kari elaine}: fence friday. (Texas style!)
{kari elaine}: au revoir 2010!
{kari elaine}: All the vanity of this evil world is passing away. It is not lasting, but temporary. It is a corpse not yet buried.
{kari elaine}: tutorial: photoshop dodge tool + before and after
{kari elaine}: {grayson}