SweetSugarBelle: Bluebird Cookies
jyoungde: Bluebird ball
Fire Service No More: Duart Castle
VGonPa: Duart Castle
*M-C1*: Monday April 16th, 2012 Radio City Music Hall
*M-C1*: Sunday April 8th, 2012 The rebel (from the yellow series Photo 1 of 6)
*M-C1*: Monday April 16th, 2012 The Chrysler Building admiring it's own reflection daily.
Alicia Paulson: Audrey, about six inches from where I was sitting.
jonbrown13: Migrant Mother
Ferntree Studio: URMyFavoriteOvalTurqBeadsCloseup
Sabinche: friday's flower power
carolinamadruga: Butterfly
Akram Hossain Maruf: ^Butterfly^Plain Tiger
Ketchupi 104: Green-eyed butterfly
perillimatteo: Melitaea didyma
The British Monarchy: Bridesmaids and page boys
Bjmacy: lovely Apricot
Sabinche: a really fleecy robin
Sabinche: robin in winter
Sophie & Me: Smile!
tacosnachosburritos: Madison, WI
LitterART: That's not Stübing!
Smile Moon: Giant Meat Raffle
Silvia de Luque: Go Ahead
Oskarsson: Granada
left-hand: Duart Cemetery
Rick_in_the_QC: "Humpty Dumpty" aka Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)