CMYK312: @Ben_Smith_123 - Designspiration - Popular
gordonlw: IMG_3106
gordonlw: IMG_3111
Hufnagel Cycles: Porteur/City bike order form!
feltron: Photo
Srikanth Jalasutram: Cover concept for Jawahar Goel's book of poems
pcuba: Topography
areyouany: The market place
80R6: Photo notes circa 99 NYC multiple exposures #filmdays
80R6: Cannibal Resource
TelegraphArt: mound II
kate*: 04.22.12 / Avocado
80R6: thr3
80R6: Birch in spring
nervous system: globular
80R6: aeae backgrounds
80R6: Worried ghosts and one beardo
80R6: rocks ready for dropping
kate*: IBM punchcard love letter from my dad to my mom. Circa: 1967
polyscene: Tissue Paper Sculpture: Gynaecological
fluxfactory: Vertical Theory
80R6: Thanks
CMYK312: Tom Selleck