Tribeless: The Big D! Love this pic as she always looks at life through rose colored glasses! (Positive Spirit)
Tribeless: Benchmark at The University of Georgia. Jan 2017
Tribeless: Blowing Rock, NC: Benchmark cemented into the side of the old US Post Office Building
Tribeless: WGI_0052
Tribeless: WGI_0075
Tribeless: Wilmington, NC
Tribeless: Charlotte, NC: love the crown as a symbol of the city's history.
Tribeless: Burlington, VT
Tribeless: Clemson University: on Campus Benchmark
Tribeless: Benchmarks
Tribeless: Flowers of Sims Creek. Blue Ridge Parkway, NC.
Tribeless: Pollen Bags on the legs of this bee for carrying it back to the hive. Sims Creek, blue Ridge Parkway, NC.
Tribeless: "Polk Salad" as it is called in the South. On the hike at Sims Creek off the Blue Ridge Parkway
Tribeless: Basket of Rolling Pins
Tribeless: Soup Starter after Pressure Cooking
Tribeless: First Fire ... check it out ... it really does draw!!!!
Tribeless: Very First Fire!
Tribeless: Angle Iron -- Mistake Corrected!
Tribeless: Dome structure of the Fire Bricks
Tribeless: Close Detailof Fire Bricks
Tribeless: DSCN0538
Tribeless: Starting the brick dome structure
Tribeless: Fire Brick Quick Set Mortar