Hamid Haniffa: Leopard on the Rock next to Modaragala at Yala National Park Sri Lanka -19.1
Josep Serra Aranega: Centaure a la plana de Lleida!!
Matthias.Kahrs: Mehlschwalbe (Delichon urbicum)
Patrick Monney: Busard pâle - Ressudens/Vaud/CH_20150507_522
LisaBSkelton: Glassy waters
gcampbellphoto: Common Whitethroat (Sylvia communis)
cjdolfin: Moray Firth Dolphin Breach
@BlackIslePhoto: Fighting foxes.
Arctic Al: Murky encounter
Izzysan: Sperm Whales
Arctic Al: A bright pair
Arctic Al: Tucuxi in the Amazon
Matthias.Kahrs: Sandregenpfeifer (Charadrius hiaticula)
@BlackIslePhoto: Pine marten kit.
@BlackIslePhoto: Humpback whale.
Arctic Al: Feeding together
Ally.Kemp: Mountain Hare - Scottish Highlands
Arctic Al: Orca
Arctic Al: Orca playing with a Mola mola
Arctic Al: Orca ahoy
Arctic Al: Orca
Arctic Al: Orca versus fishermen
Malcolm Schuyl: Collared Aracari
Arctic Al: Tern
LisaBSkelton: Watershed
cjdolfin: Charlie the Bottlenose Dolphin
gcampbellphoto: Orange-tip on Lady's Smock
Samson So Photography: 小金背啄木鳥 Lesser Goldenback (Dinopium benghalense psarodes), Sri Lanka