cynbb: Portrait
Anthony Goodall: Before the last light
...rosa...: Nebbia in valle...
balenafranca: Il cane che sussurrava ai tulipani :-)
CecilieSonstebyPhotography: "Golden" portrait
Kat~Morgan: Bokeh On Japanese Maple Leaf
ljucsu OFF/on: Nice little Pansy of Oct.21...
I'mDKB: Llandudno Pier.
vitofonte: Aeshna mixta ......?
blichb: 120909_59_Toscana
solonanda non c'è più: vele d'epoca 2012 Imperia Explored on frontpage #8 20/09/2012
ddrack gallery: DSCF0598
Duvali@-Lat@ (Serge Rolandez): Mouche Bombyle / Diptère Bombyliide Bombylius-sp
NataThe3: Getting old, getting sad...
didier95: Muscaris
Duvali@-Lat@ (Serge Rolandez): Libellule / Odonate Coenagrionide Ischnura Elegans
astroGatta: {218/366}
mllehmann: Polyphemus Moth (male)
Meino NL: I'm Joy. I really do not want to walk, anyway it's much too hot.
Patricia Speck: Soaked orange ...Explored....Thank You!
Chelo Martín Moro: A contraluz
~Cess~: Au sommet
Josep M.Toset: ophrys lupercalis