the_ Inventor: The grand market square of Rindael
DigiNik13: Ah... morning coffee.....
nathan.francis49: Earth colored brick
Matth cornelis: A family picture of the trans clear and the red Lego 9v curved track with the marbled one in the middle showing the production process of the unreleased colors. All genuine lego...
Matth cornelis: Slowly getting it fully trans... #unreleasedlego
nathan.francis49: Marbled blue/uncolored
nathan.francis49: Top Slot: Lego slotted marble brick
nathan.francis49: Color change?
Fantastic Brick: Lego Bayer K-bricks
Matth cornelis: My first marbled bricks
Matth cornelis: Trans clear prototype female ponytale
juliensart: LEGO Minitalia bricks 1970's
Brickadier General: 1968 Nintendo N&B Block Set
nathan.francis49: Lego 3001 Color chart update: 70 colors
mpfirnhaber: Lego Patents
Istokg: Minitalia Window Color Prototypes & Marbled
Istokg: 1973-74 Granulated Bush Prototype
Istokg: Brown 1x1x2 Classic LEGO Window Prototype
maxx3001: LEGO: Modulex colors
maxx3001: LEGO: Jumper plate with closed stud
maxx3001: LEGO: 6037 trans with smoke
Fantastic Brick: "only number" BASF "coffee" bricks
Fantastic Brick: unpainted vintage Lego flat cypress, marbled
mpfirnhaber: Brick Clarity
maxx3001: LEGO: slotted black marbled
Brick Colorstream: Minitalia and OLO