PETEJLB: Short-eared Owl
lukaszW75: _33A4897
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Marsh harrier (URN: 2788)
lukaszW75: 390A1876
PREMZIEBA: Phoenicurus ochruros - black redstart
PETEJLB: Northern Pintail
PETEJLB: "Nap Time"
mirosławkról: Red-necked Grebe in blue hour
Severnrover: Purple Sandpiper
Severnrover: Purple Sandpiper
PETEJLB: Short-eared Owl European Robin
cliveyjones: Kingfisher
Wuzbug: Memo Landscape brush sketch in Gouache on 300gsm smooth card.
Wuzbug: Just for fun. Brush ink wash drawing on card. “The Blues’s Brothers.”
martinpettinger: Marsh Harrier ( F ) - 0656 SVPX 1
rogercollorick: Kingfisher
Wuzbug: Finished drawing of Jazz Trumpeter, Chet Baker , 1929-1988. Drawing in Luminance white pencil on recycled black card.
PETEJLB: Spotted Redshank (explored)
Wuzbug: Standing scribble figure in Ballpoint pen on sketchbook card.
Wuzbug: “Figure in the mist.” Experimental Art. Ink brush diluted washes on card.
Wuzbug: Continuation Stage 2. To be continued. Still life of two Herrings.
PETEJLB: Eurasian Hobby (explored)
PETEJLB: Common Buzzard (explored)
Matt Scott Wildlife Photography: Red-veined Darter (female)
martinpettinger: Marsh Tit - 2444 SVPX i1 Explored...16.8.2024
mirosławkról: Marsh Harrier #11