hahahaha哈: 昨晚拍到的!水珠落在水面上弹起来的一瞬间!!
C.L.I.W: The cloud is painting
maybemaq: golden turn
James M Thorne: First Steps
C.L.I.W: Gin
Chee Kweng Teoh: IMG_8103
一二三: seasideee
Yves Janse: Bathroom Colors
Tomatoskin: 苦尽甘来! BETTER!
*regina*: sparkles 2
`Kevin Wang: 080812-03 canon ef 70-200mm f2.8
`Kevin Wang: 080812-01 canon ef 70-200mm f2.8
Andrew.DZzz: Winter Portrait
rachywhoo: Winter Song
Luis Eduardo ®: Ruby crown
sam b-r: watching the birds go by
julivo: actinism
julivo: chinese lantern
LalliSig: Submerged
poopoorama: practicing my running-over-water skills