carf: Diptych Eduardo
carf: Street Kids
carf: Street Boy - 07
carf: Street Boy - 01
carf: Street Boy - 03
carf: Street Boy - 05
carf: Ferrari power...
carf: Football Trainer Reginaldo
carf: Flat Stanley and his Breakdance Group
carf: Breakdance Instructor Gerson - I
carf: Translating Letters - I
carf: Letters
carf: Letter from a Friend
carf: The Post Has Arrived!
carf: Eduardo's Close Shave - III
carf: Close Shave - 08
carf: Close Shave - 04
carf: Close Shave - 01
carf: Window Peeping - IV
carf: Haircut - VI
carf: To be a clown...
carf: A smile that never fades.............
carf: Teach me brother!
carf: Happy Holidays!
carf: My eyes are on YOU!
carf: Flight of the Hummingbird...
carf: Come out and play...!
carf: Balancing through adolescence on my monocycle - II
carf: Circus Beija-Flor - 22
carf: The Innocent Girl