Matthias.Kahrs: Zwergohreule (Otus scops)
FotoGrazio: Anna with new red throat feathers
47gigi: Orchis purpurea
47gigi: Erythronium dens-canis
nurdug2010: Lómur - Gavia stellata - Red-throated Diver
Juan Beas: FLOR
FotoGrazio: A tiny mother and her tiny nest
Juan Beas: CISNE
Felice Cirulli: carnevale
Juan Beas: CRUCE
Hengki Koentjoro: Delman Istimewa
Luis Costa G.: Amanece.
escribirconlacabeza: Santiago de la Ribera
SimoneDelMondoPhoto: Vigne novembrine_0002-2
Alberto Ligori: Yellow Beach
Hengki Koentjoro: Dancing Tree
Hengki Koentjoro: Ocean Journey
bildgestalterphotography: Cope Study III
Juan Beas: MÍNIMOS.
Albert00: Grado
photo.anjuna: Lucerna
m.e.r.l.i.n.o: Gioconda
SimoneDelMondoPhoto: Pasquetta 2015_0092 copia fb
nurdug2010: Norðurljós/Northern lights/Aurora borealis
m.e.r.l.i.n.o: Tour Eiffel