Coral Lacey | Miss Chelsea: .high heels off, i'm feeling alive.
Coral Lacey | Miss Chelsea: .nothing really matters
Coral Lacey | Miss Chelsea: .we fall like leaves in the garden of eden
Coral Lacey | Miss Chelsea: .gonna love ya until you hate me
Coral Lacey | Miss Chelsea: .and i hope that you want to
Aida Ewing: -Glam Affair - Sophie Dress - UBER
Aida Ewing: Glam Affair - Romatic Flowers ( UBER )
Aida Ewing: Glam Affair ( Lelutka Heads ) Avril Applier Freckles ( UBER )
Coral Lacey | Miss Chelsea: .rode the wind off a beaten track
Coral Lacey | Miss Chelsea: .miss chelsea. @ FaMESHed May '15
Maneskin Amore: Bauhaus Movement - Shiny Shabby
Maneskin Amore: Bauhaus Movement - Marisa Headpiece @ The Season Story
Maneskin Amore: A sparking thrust