Mademoiselle Julia: "The human race is intoxicated with narrow victories, for life is a string of them like pearls that hit the floor when the rope breaks, and roll away in perfection and anarchy." - 210/365
manyfires: you had me at hasselblad
tricycledteenager: Winter at Kinshaldy
Shad0w_0f_Dark: Light in the Darkness
Jordan Meyer: Aaron Nace
WΛHID: Bowl of Bokeh
NaturalLight: Ranipokhari
Lá caitlin: squared
jurvetson: There is no spoon
Lá caitlin: no where man
<danielle>: bondi
Extrado: Deadvlei, Août 2007
mike.irwin: Scotty?
McMike-: and so castles made of sand fall into the sea, eventually...
LucaPicciau: Landscape of Supramonte
Shari Diane: Escape of the Mummy
artofthestate: Banksy - yellow lines flower painter, Bethnal green
Alex Guerra: Surpreso
HannyB: Cube House
raspberrytart: currie train station
lichtfaktor: IMG_8787
gallmese: HH: reverse angle
monika & manfred: Smallest ferry in the world