ziggiotti ivano (Ziggy Stardust): Decorazione del XII capitolo del libro di Qohèlet
ziggiotti ivano (Ziggy Stardust): La Genesi che verrà...La tentazione
ziggiotti ivano (Ziggy Stardust): la genesi che verrà
Tugboat Printshop: Printing Red for "LOG" Woodcut
Tugboat Printshop: "LOG" Woodcut // Blue Block
Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland: Genève, Bibliothèque de Genève, Comites Latentes 54, f. 199r
Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland: Genève, Bibliothèque de Genève, Comites Latentes 54, f. 13r
Daniele "Pepsy" Tozzi: saturday night life
Tugboat Printshop: Drawing Blue Block for "OVERLOOK"
arm79: “Alphabets of Wood. Luigi Melchiori and the history of Italian wood type”, written by James Clough and Chiara Scattolin and published by Tipoteca Italiana
arm79: “Alphabets of Wood. Luigi Melchiori and the history of Italian wood type”, written by James Clough and Chiara Scattolin and published by Tipoteca Italiana
arm79: “Alphabets of Wood. Luigi Melchiori and the history of Italian wood type”, written by James Clough and Chiara Scattolin and published by Tipoteca Italiana
Nick Sherman: LOTS OF SANS
Nick Sherman: LOTS OF SANS
Tugboat Printshop: Carving & Carving the "OVERLOOK"
Elwyn Brooks: Press sign hung outside the door
Elwyn Brooks: Memorial beach stone comprised of the client's father's initials and the sign for Taurus
Elwyn Brooks: House number for a friend
flowers&fleurons: Pre production samples finished - soon be off to Verona to print the whole book...
remed_art: MAANI GURI NURAH * Photo by Sharmila WOOD
etahchen: 1972536_10100654007775170_2060705004039213354_n