rachmad sofyan: Grand City
SammYRJ: The wrong words will strand you
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momomi_aloha_garden: angulate #13
momomi_aloha_garden: flammèche #20
momomi_aloha_garden: flammèche #22
evan-etc: Under the Weather
The Library of Congress: Messenger boy working for Mackay Telegraph Company. Said fifteen years old. Exposed to Red Light dangers. Location: Waco, Texas. (LOC)
Dance with the Strangers: Bangkok,Thailand
bmahesh: Street of Parry's Corner
AnnA°PianO: Midsummer sighs
REM (rembcc): Almost deserted
Ana Luísa Pinto [Luminous Photography]: set fire to the rain —— [ 'Threading Darkness' series ]
220495: 184/366
Garlap: Take exercise
DIXBUHAY: Nazareno 2012
DIXBUHAY: 000033
Nomadic Vision Photography: The Czech Republic - Prague: Medieval Magic
Carmelo61 PhotoPassion Thanks: Venice (Thanks x 1500 comments)
Metrix X: The Empire Strikes Back
Julie Anne Noying: Philly - Berlin. My sister sitting at her desk on the road.
Renate Dodell: Gegenläufig
miez!: Tunnelblick
Pavel Pronin: Fairy Tale Forest