張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 螢火蟲 firefly,Lampyridae
楊小泉: P9183410
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 重慶「銅梁火龍」
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 花田夜色
Jimsee84: Euro Fun Park
Jimsee84: Euro Fun Park
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 九族文化村 夜櫻
friedrichfrank1966: ...much to high....olala !!!
timerreset: 859A5100
ai3310X: Light & Light
candy700107: IMG_3618-1
candy700107: IMG_3535-1
Circlegraphy * 李圈兒: 20160501-IMG_1189
candy700107: IMG_4707-1
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 頂石槕茶園
shihyuantseng: IMG_5511
Circlegraphy * 李圈兒: Taiwan , Couples tree
candy700107: IMG_0624-1
candy700107: IMG_0836-1
Circlegraphy * 李圈兒: 20150124-IMG_0554
shihyuantseng: The night of my city
shihyuantseng: Hide and seek
candy700107: 流逝
Circlegraphy * 李圈兒: Taiwan, Ilan / 台灣,宜蘭