K C Lee: 0630
Can Dagarslani: Serenity
Crusade.: www.instagram.com/leemaishun
samlee.hk: DSC06329-20161204
Crusade.: Blue.
bubustudio: tap tap
Ruby.rc: fake bokeh
Mudi Chris: The Man In The Black Suit.
kllauphotograph.com: Hong Kong Lantau Peak 香港鳳凰山
Marcus XKL: fish please come inside
Crusade.: Cat Walk.
Carl_W: Rubber Duck in Hong Kong
 ®: 今君の家に向かう途中
micronar: 寶馬山_39
Crusade.: The 17th Fret.
cationng: Positive & negative
cationng: Flying
Crusade.: 追追趕趕高高低低。
Crusade.: On top of the guitar.
Carl_W: To the sea
K C Lee: 5708
K C Lee: 6353