Ka Gee Ka: 2nd Limited Lens
Ka Gee Ka: "New" 7D
Ka Gee Ka: M42 to PK adapters
Ka Gee Ka: Pentax MZ-5 with HD Pentax-FA 43mm f1.9 Limited
Ka Gee Ka: Sony A7S with SMC Pentax-FA 77mm f1.8
Ka Gee Ka: Canon 7D with Leica R 50mm f2
Ka Gee Ka: Drinking milk tea
Ka Gee Ka: One touch away
Ka Gee Ka: Traffic at almost noon time
Ka Gee Ka: Please return
Ka Gee Ka: Outside childcare centre
Ka Gee Ka: Free consultation
Ka Gee Ka: Community garden
Ka Gee Ka: Playground beside garden
Ka Gee Ka: Matching blue car in reflection
Ka Gee Ka: Stairs up
Ka Gee Ka: Facilities on top
Ka Gee Ka: My Limited Trinity
Ka Gee Ka: Don’t
Ka Gee Ka: Sharetea
Ka Gee Ka: Playing in station
Ka Gee Ka: What is he doing?
Ka Gee Ka: Exit 5
Ka Gee Ka: We are faster
Ka Gee Ka: Quick pose
Ka Gee Ka: Morning hairstyle
Ka Gee Ka: Doing diamond art
Ka Gee Ka: Xmas decor
Ka Gee Ka: Trying out K mount lens
Ka Gee Ka: Looking at what sis is talking about