Ka Gee Ka: Light test
Ka Gee Ka: Things will get better
Ka Gee Ka: Journey into M42
Ka Gee Ka: More additions for 2022
Ka Gee Ka: Old houses
Ka Gee Ka: Shophouses
Ka Gee Ka: Shophouses
Ka Gee Ka: Old shophouse
Ka Gee Ka: Sheltered walkway
Ka Gee Ka: Stairs between blocks
Ka Gee Ka: Reflection
Ka Gee Ka: New faculty building, Gaia
Ka Gee Ka: Souvenir shop
Ka Gee Ka: The Hive
Ka Gee Ka: Deepavali Street Decor
Ka Gee Ka: 龙山寺
Ka Gee Ka: Countdown
Ka Gee Ka: Able to visit this time
Ka Gee Ka: Flying past audience
Ka Gee Ka: Vultures
Ka Gee Ka: Enjoying so far
Ka Gee Ka: Macaw entrance
Ka Gee Ka: Rooster flying down from hut
Ka Gee Ka: All attention on hornbill
Ka Gee Ka: Hornbill flying
Ka Gee Ka: Finale
Ka Gee Ka: Good show
Ka Gee Ka: Food, toys, accessories and games
Ka Gee Ka: All kinds of games and gifts
Ka Gee Ka: Fun fair is back