Ka Gee Ka: Pentax Asahi M42 Extension Tubes
Ka Gee Ka: Playing with toy pet
Ka Gee Ka: It's so yummy
Ka Gee Ka: Cooking
Ka Gee Ka: My model
Ka Gee Ka: Singapore Boy
Ka Gee Ka: Heavy rainfall
Ka Gee Ka: At young adult stage
Ka Gee Ka: Rainwater
Ka Gee Ka: Small stream
Ka Gee Ka: Signs
Ka Gee Ka: Resting area
Ka Gee Ka: Lone tree
Ka Gee Ka: Tensu
Ka Gee Ka: Selecting video
Ka Gee Ka: I got the blues
Ka Gee Ka: Cold
Ka Gee Ka: Cooking while waiting
Ka Gee Ka: Watching videos
Ka Gee Ka: Screwing in the air pump
Ka Gee Ka: Good job done
Ka Gee Ka: Good portrait
Ka Gee Ka: Break for photo
Ka Gee Ka: Bike is ready
Ka Gee Ka: Mask down
Ka Gee Ka: Sit by the pool
Ka Gee Ka: Eating on bed
Ka Gee Ka: Exploring the lower area near deep waters
Ka Gee Ka: Xmas at MBS
Ka Gee Ka: Love