Ka Gee Ka: Reading at night
Ka Gee Ka: Reading
Ka Gee Ka: Hugging cactus
Ka Gee Ka: Falling behind
Ka Gee Ka: Turning for a stop
Ka Gee Ka: Scooting by the sea
Ka Gee Ka: Quenching thirst
Ka Gee Ka: Good break
Ka Gee Ka: By the lake
Ka Gee Ka: Eco Lake
Ka Gee Ka: Among bamboo trees
Ka Gee Ka: Resting area
Ka Gee Ka: At Great Coral Swamps
Ka Gee Ka: All green now
Ka Gee Ka: Lepidodendrons
Ka Gee Ka: Final pose before sunset
Ka Gee Ka: Scooter time
Ka Gee Ka: Enjoying himself
Ka Gee Ka: Taking photos
Ka Gee Ka: Morning
Ka Gee Ka: Wondering where to go
Ka Gee Ka: Ordering food
Ka Gee Ka: Watching others playing
Ka Gee Ka: In Decathlon store
Ka Gee Ka: Watching
Ka Gee Ka: Punggol Park
Ka Gee Ka: Pavement around park
Ka Gee Ka: Other side of park
Ka Gee Ka: Canal that links to sea
Ka Gee Ka: Spider web