jontlaw: Imperial Knight
Castigon: Titan Mortis Close Shot
larkinswordbearers: Greater Deamon of Nurgle
Arklight Studio: Death Company
Arklight Studio: Mephiston, Lord of Death
jontlaw: Imperial Knight
glennicorn: Assault Marine Sergeant
Edobardo: Necrosphinx with venom tail 6
peterbgrant: Apothecary
Carjohrud: rogue trader era Ogryn
Steve Mackie: IMG_0674
GrigoriyOrlov: Sergant. Squad IV
resistance827: Warhammer 40k Chaos Space Marine Draznicht
resistance827: Imperial Guard Sentinel walker
Alpharius9909: Les Brutes
Alpharius9909: Cabalite 2
Alpharius9909: Damnés 1
maclef: Personal Challenge 13/52 - Wohooo!
Feannadh: gespenst
Blue Table Painting: Imperial Guard 01 JHAS
Mr-Lukey: Tactical Squad 1
stobz1: Venerable Deathwing Brother J'Shua 6
piotrekm1: dark_angels_librarian-2
OlivierQC: IMAG1394
Erebi: DSCN1803
=Talarion=: Tallarn Desert Raiders Leman Russ Vanquisher
RainStormW: Hydra
Boreas82: Deathwing librarian
ThirdEyeNuke: Tau Riptide Battlesuit