.cake.: Plugged in my old phone, browsing through messages I have lost the context for
animaldelmar: Lago Orta 2014
nickelvd: Mirage
multigrade: Bielefeld, Germany
sup3rnice: stefan marx, window painting
sup3rnice: my B/W challenge
dellstewart: Studio visit.
.cake.: upload
sup3rnice: stefan marx, window painting
sup3rnice: sundaayyyssss with stefan marx!
sup3rnice: linda and britney at the daniela bar
sup3rnice: linda and britney at the daniela bar
sup3rnice: les arcades du lac
sup3rnice: malaysia 9m-mro
sup3rnice: hero!
.cake.: upload
.cake.: driving through fires
sup3rnice: spaceboxen eindhoven
martin schoo: installation?
sup3rnice: alex solman
Z-Boson: Wo die Gase brummerlnd wehen
Z-Boson: Schönen Dank
martin schoo: i know the feeli
sup3rnice: ich machma petersilie! der dill is tot!!!
.cake.: honey hunting