MarkBee3: A sleepy LE owl
Cosper Wosper: Barred Grass snake
TonyRoweBristol: Barn Owl Hawling 3G8A9599
TonyRoweBristol: Kingfisher Westhay 3G8A8001
Geoff Newhouse Photography: August 11, 2024-2.jpg
Geoff Newhouse Photography: August 11, 2024.jpg
Geoff Newhouse Photography: August 30, 2024-2.jpg
Geoff Newhouse Photography: September 07, 2024.jpg
Geoff Newhouse Photography: September 02, 2024.jpg
hunt.keith27: A beautiful example of a Cattle Egret in full breeding plumage - (Bubulcus ibis) - 2 clicks for close up
brian.pic66: Sparrowhawk having a little relax
Ronny Olsson: OM Digital Solutions OM-1 + OM 90mm F3.5 + MC-14
Ronny Olsson: OM Digital Solutions OM-1 OM 90mm F3.5
TonyRoweBristol: Kingfisher Westhay 3G8A9682
TonyRoweBristol: Grass Snake Westhay 3G8A10137
dmchissie: Osprey
dmchissie: Osprey
Rob Todd: Osprey
markwright12002: Kingfisher Flight
markwright12002: Osprey 8
Distinctly Average: Green-Eyed Flower Bee
Cosper Wosper: Cattle Egret ~ Bubulcus ibis
Cosper Wosper: Young Kingfisher
Cosper Wosper: Wood-carving Leafcutter ~ Megachile ligniseca
Geoff Newhouse Photography: March 26, 2023.jpg
allanchard64: Willow Warbler fledgling
allanchard64: Juv Kingfisher, fledged today. Sometimes you can have just too much focal length !!