jyri: Oura Ring launch
jyri: Oura Ring launch
jyri: Oura Ring launch
jyri: Oura Ring launch
jyri: Oura Ring launch
jyri: Oura Ring launch
jyri: Oura Ring launch
jyri: Eric Wahlforss
jyri: Thunder over San Francisco
jyri: View of the Painted Ladies this moning adds context to this Scientific American piece about mega floods in California: http://goo.gl/mag/1NvdQY
jyri: Stanford team @ericsmalls John & Omar flying a swarm of AR drones #dronegames
jyri: 2-hour hack to follow faces #dronegames
jyri: "Haven't you ever wanted a bird on a leash?" Groupon team drone tweets when it sees a face http://twitpic.com/photos/facedrone
jyri: Stanford team's drone hovers over objects
jyri: Twitter team's gesture control drone #droneolympics
jyri: Face recognition by @marhar #dronegames
jyri: Arduino drone by @maxogden
jyri: Judges @thatdrew @andreasx @gever @chr1sa and @dalepd #dronegames
jyri: The #dronegames commencing at Groupon SF http://dronegames.co
jyri: 3 lb chocolate turkey. Finally TG makes sense...
jyri: I made a polar bear with polymer clay
jyri: upload
jyri: Most amazing belated birthday cake!!
jyri: Making a bracelet with our new Makerbot Replicator 2
jyri: Google Maps in new Tesla
jyri: Tesla coupe
jyri: Temporary tattoo
jyri: Occupy North Pole
jyri: Dog took my deck!
jyri: San Francisco