jynt hk: Despite being out all afternoon, shopping at Orchard Link, and dinner in Little India, along with shopping at the madness that is Mustafa, Sebby is still wide awake and 'chatting' at 1:30 a.m.
jynt hk: Where you can buy saris, electronics, watches, fresh meat, insurance, flight tickets, and a heck of a lot more all under one room
jynt hk: Thinking of what to buy at a crazy department store
jynt hk: What @jennyshima tried to eat
jynt hk: What's inside @shimatakuya
jynt hk: What's inside @fehlupkid
jynt hk: Why?!
jynt hk: Yumi's MASSIVE paneer dosai
jynt hk: Good times in Little India
jynt hk: Pav Bhaji
jynt hk: Genius!
jynt hk: Shima makes a very good father (ganbatte Jenny!)
jynt hk: Not quite local food
jynt hk: Chewy Caramel
jynt hk: Just chillin'
jynt hk: Meditating
jynt hk: Training for motherhood ;)
jynt hk: Sebby loves his manboobs
jynt hk: Love from Auntie Yumi
jynt hk: Reunited with his special blonde friend
jynt hk: Celeb Seb
jynt hk: Walking over to the MRT stop
jynt hk: Sebby's expression whilst listening to Rubber Soul
jynt hk: Getting his nails done for Baybeats
jynt hk: Nice and clean. Ready for first night sleeping in a foreign country.
jynt hk: These lights kept Sebastian entertained for a long while at the dinner table
jynt hk: Meeting Auntie Irene - old old friend of 嫲嫲爺爺