FrankWeichmann: _DSC6733.jpg
Fotomateria: DJ melancholy second version
aluminum ghost: josh's family
[-Sherri-]: God's House in Philly
*La*Maga*Rita*: Vanity Fair - Pin Up - Isla Fisher
aluminum ghost: the dickens
fPat: d'ja hear the one about the....
fPat: trapped
TinaSea: Mirror-Image
aluminum ghost: two turn tables and a...
phoebeofthesea: fundamentally scared
moocatmoocat: otters: fish fish fish
Babeandthecity: BBQ anyone?
Patty Peets: Whoohoo!
Dusty Pixel: What's Up Pussy Cat
mirr_i_am: looking for pussycats outside
pongboy: Black Mamba Close Up
slider5: kingsnake stare
Michelé1: The Bully Girls
mswee10: Sometimes you feel like a nut. . .
JustAnotherBeing (Sarah Eben): Diesel Chewin' On His Foot
FantasyPieces: Here I come to save the day!
sbethell: baryshnikov!
State Library of NSW: Margaret Shaffhauser with bull terrier dog at the Canine Association Show, 3 Nov 1934 / by Ted Hood
monika_denne: the shark attack