jutecht: @msvlsd25 teachers storyboarding their remix videos while engaging in a PBL experience.
jutecht: Here we go with tech tastings 2016! #eduro
jutecht: Getting all set up for tech tastings tomorrow #eduro
jutecht: Working with Central Kitsap educators today and sharing our early success stories!
jutecht: 5th grade teachers from Enumclaw sharing there early success stories of being 1:1
jutecht: Teachers dabbling with Google Mymaps and teaching each other what they learned.
jutecht: Did we miss any social networks? How do you use them? @msvlsd25 #msd25
jutecht: The social networks of the generations. @msvlsd25 #msd25
jutecht: @msvlsd25 educators spending the day exploring social media and the role it plays in our student's lives. #msd25
jutecht: Reflecting on the social network adults use vs students. Great discussion today @msvlsd25 #eduro
jutecht: Back in @msvlsd25 today looking at the role of media in the lives of students.
jutecht: Sharing our tech successes and challenges in Marysville @msvlsd25
jutecht: Taking the water taxi to back to school bbq
jutecht: Love being back in Enumclaw with my friends to kick off another school year. #esdboundless
jutecht: @msvlsd25 admin #doingthework preparing for the new year and full year of 1:1
jutecht: A little SAMR talk #wwmit
jutecht: @msvlsd25 elem. teacher define a successful blended environment
jutecht: Best snack table ever! #inspireWA
jutecht: A beautiful day for #inspireWA
jutecht: A beautiful night for a BBQ
jutecht: What did you do in your @msvlsd25 training today? How about learn to code a probability game. #doingthework
jutecht: Sharing SAMR unit plans to be implemented before the end of the year. @edurolearning #msd25
jutecht: Back in Marysville doing the work! @msd25
jutecht: Spending the day with 5th grade teachers in Enumclaw #esdimagine
jutecht: First game of the season. @mariners
jutecht: #learning2 social in full swing.
jutecht: #learning2 stage coming together!
jutecht: Thank you to @nestle for being a sponsor of #learning2 and all the free coffee!
jutecht: Thinking of how to gamify our classrooms at #learning2
jutecht: Getting googly in #learning2 precon